[Julio] has an older desktop computer and captured a brief video showcasing its speed in performing seemingly straightforward tasks, like launching default Windows apps like the command prompt and Notepad. In contrast, his advanced laptop struggles with these basic operations despite its modern hardware, making the antique computer seem incredibly swift. This sparked a wide-ranging debate on why contemporary PCs frequently exhibit slower performance compared to older machines.
After analyzing numerous possible reasons for the deceleration, [Julio] appears to focus on a subtle aspect related to abstraction. Many developers aim to reduce the development time for their programs while ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms. This often involves using a compatibility layer to separate the software from the hardware, leading to increased overhead for program execution. While modern machines can handle such requirements due to their computing power, there is a trade-off in terms of latency. Applications developed natively are expected to offer better response times, but the current trend is towards fewer native applications, including ones that might seem to warrant it. For instance, Notepad is now based on UWP.
While various factors could explain the observed slowdown in performance, it likely results from a combination of reasons; a cumulative effect. Factors such as desktop apps incorporating browser compatibility layers, software companies cutting costs by potentially neglecting best programming practices or leveraging modern computing power for cost reduction, and the increased hardware resources required by contemporary software for safe and secure operation compared to older versions.