Microsoft Edge’s newest AI functionality aids users in sorting open tabs into groups for improved management. Tab Groups, unveiled in Microsoft Edge in 2021, is a beneficial feature for enhancing tab organization in the browser.
Most contemporary web browsers support tab groups, where users previously had to manually establish tab groups. For instance, Microsoft Edge users had to previously right-click on a tab and choose the “add tab to new group” selection from the context menu to create one. Tab groups could have personalized names and colors for better identification.
Moving and dropping other tabs onto the recently generated tab group includes them in it. The system is simple and exceedingly effective, allowing users to expand and collapse tab groups in the browser.
Vivaldi users benefit from a broad array of tab-related attributes, such as dual-level tab stacks that considerably enhance management by exhibiting all tabs of a stack (group) in a secondary tab row.
Cluster Similar Tabs in Edge and privacy
Cluster Similar Tabs is a fresh AI feature in Edge Stable that Microsoft examined in development editions of the browser.
The fundamental concept is to mechanize the creation of tab groups for users, doing away with the necessity to manually create and organize tabs into groups. To leverage the feature, users can choose the tab actions menu in Microsoft Edge’s toolbar and then pick Group Similar Tabs (Preview).
Edge sends information about all open websites to a Microsoft server when the option is chosen. The AI processes the request on the server and returns its recommendations after a brief moment.
Triggering the group tabs button produces the tab groups, with choices provided to personalize individual tab groups. Users can also ungroup a suggested group to bypass the creation of a precise group.
The capability to automatically cluster tabs is valuable, particularly when numerous tabs are opened in the browser. It is crucial to note that this feature mandates an active Internet connection and interaction with Microsoft servers. When the Internet connection is deactivated, Cluster Similar Tabs returns “We were unable to group your tabs,” indicating that the processing happens on Microsoft servers and not locally.
This is akin to how Google Chrome’s Tab Organizer communicates with Google servers to propose tab groups and submits all URLs and titles of websites of the browser window to Google.
Microsoft divulged the feature last year on the Windows Experience Blog, asserting, “Productivity and organization go hand in hand. Yesterday, we announced Tab Auto-grouping in Edge, which uses AI to group your tabs based on specific topics or categories. Simply navigate to the tab icon on the top left, and click on group similar tabs, and Copilot will group your tabs, leaving your browser window, and mind, less cluttered.” No specifics on data processing or privacy were supplied in the announcement, and the feature in Edge also lacks information on how the data is stored, processed, and utilized.
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